Throughout this journey, I have found a few things helpful in clearing the mind and settling into a creative prayer practice and thought I would share them with anyone who might read this and want to give it a shot. So here they are in no particular order:
1. Pull out your materials and have everything ready, within arms reach and organized so that you can enjoy your practice and be "in the zone".
2. Listen: listen to yourself, listen to God, listen to the day
3. YOU CANNOT DO THIS WRONG! Remember that there is no right or wrong way to do this so be gentle with yourself
4. You are doing this for you and God and no one else. It does not matter what anyone else thinks about your artwork. It is a part of you.
5. Don't be afraid to express a side of yourself you don't normally let into the light. I often present prayers of thanks or joy and repress prayers of pain or struggle in my own life but this is the time to express your deepest and truest emotions, desires, thoughts and self to God.
6. If you're having trouble getting started take a few deep breaths, let go of any frustration or expectations. Begin not by figuring out what your painting or sculpture will look like but instead with one color or one shape and let the rest flow from there.
7. I find it helpful to have a comfortable space (a comfortable chair, open window, natural light etc.) and a hot cup of tea so that I can relax and more quickly let go of the day and calm my mind and body. This creation of space helps me to set this time aside as sacred.
8. Don't give yourself too many options. By this I mean stick with 2 or 3 colors to begin with or a small piece of clay. You can always add more as you go but by starting with a limited number of options you can avoid any extra feelings of being overwhelmed.
9. If you find yourself unsure of where to start and silence/meditation isn't working try reading a Psalm; they are the long held prayers of those who have come before us and can speak to us in ways that allow us to hear our own hearts.
10. If you begin to get frustrated take a break. Take a short walk, grab another cup of tea, take a few deep breaths, and begin again. Not every day or every attempt will bring about a piece of artwork or a prayer but it is in the practicing that we are able to more clearly listen to ourselves and God.
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