With this week comes the end of my 10 week experiment to eat as sustainably as possible. There were times it was difficult and my cravings for bananas or off season produce won out, but overall I think I did pretty well. I bought as much as I could that was organic and now that the farmer's markets are open I get to buy local as well. It was certainly a hit on my finances as the organic section is a bit more expensive than the regular corporately grown section. That being said though, I enjoyed my food more. It just tasted better. Seriously, organic sweet potatoes are the best things I've EVER eaten!
When I entered into this experiment I did it because we were asked to as part of a class but I also chose this because of the readings I'd done about all the chemicals in our food. I didn't want them in my body and I'd rather support farmer's who don't put them in the ground and in our water. It was a very personal choice to try and be the best steward I could be of the Earth. This was a decision of the mind and I didn't expect a bodily response and yet that is what sticks out to me the most at the end of these 10 weeks. I still think about the planet and the chemicals and all that stuff but what I see and hold onto tightly is the change I've experienced within my body. I have always had digestive troubles and took them to be a way of life. Yet, as I sit here, 10 weeks after eating primarily organic foods, I feel amazing with very few of those troubles I've had for years. I have more energy and more endurance throughout the day. It is certainly true, that what we eat fuels our bodies and apparently cutting out many of those chemicals has allowed my body to heal in a lot of ways. I'm not saying this is miraculous or that I was healed of some disease but I do feel better and feel as though my body is more in sync with itself than it's ever been before. It's been an interesting 10 weeks and I'm not sure I can go back to what I ate before.
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